# Introduction
Firebase Backup CLI that makes backing up and restoring Firebase services a breeze.
This Node.js modules helps you backing up and restoring your Firebase services such as Firebase Firestore or Authentication in a breeze.
Give it a go and feel free to add additional helper functions to the repository!
PLEASE make sure to understand what this tool does. We do not recommend you using this tool without learning what it might do with your data.
If you do not, you might end up with high Firebase bills, data loss or other painful experiences.
So, please DO NOT use this application if you are not aware what effects backups and restores to your Firebase data might have.
We do not take any responsibility for any damage the use of this module might do to your data or your billing records.
That being said, the application is meant to simplify the process of backing up and restoring Firebase data and if used wisely should not pose any risk to your Firebase projects. Just be careful 😃
Getting Started →